Follow my blog with Bloglovin John Michael Vanderhider is an Accountant from Houston, Texas: October 2022

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

John Michael Vanderhider is an Ambitious Individual Working in Accounting

 John Michael Vanderhider is an ambitious individual who has been working in accounting and finance for the oil and gas industry in Houston, Texas for the past 10 years. John Michael’s plan for the next 10 years is to continue working in accounting and finance in the oil and gas industry in Houston, Texas.

John Michael Vanderhider

Monday, October 10, 2022

John Michael Vanderhider is an Active Member of His Community

 John Michael Vanderhider is an active member of his community, participating in local charities and attending sporting events in Houston, Texas. In addition to supporting his favorite teams, he enjoys playing basketball and running. John Michael Vanderhider hopes to run a half marathon one day.

John Michael Vanderhider