Follow my blog with Bloglovin John Michael Vanderhider is an Accountant from Houston, Texas

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

John Michael Vanderhider is an Ambitious Individual Working in Accounting

 John Michael Vanderhider is an ambitious individual who has been working in accounting and finance for the oil and gas industry in Houston, Texas for the past 10 years. John Michael’s plan for the next 10 years is to continue working in accounting and finance in the oil and gas industry in Houston, Texas.

John Michael Vanderhider

Monday, October 10, 2022

John Michael Vanderhider is an Active Member of His Community

 John Michael Vanderhider is an active member of his community, participating in local charities and attending sporting events in Houston, Texas. In addition to supporting his favorite teams, he enjoys playing basketball and running. John Michael Vanderhider hopes to run a half marathon one day.

John Michael Vanderhider

Thursday, September 29, 2022

John Michael Vanderhider Has 10+ Years of Experience in Accounting Industry


John Michael Vanderhider

John Michael Vanderhider has more than 10 years of experience working in the accounting industry. He has worked as an audit manager, and his attention to detail, strong leadership skills, and years of experience have enabled him to coordinate and supervise staff on multiple audit engagements. John Michael Vanderhider also likes to work out regularly.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

John Michael Vanderhider is an Oil and Gas Accountant - Houston, Texas


John Michael Vanderhider

As an oil and gas accountant, John Michael Vanderhider has spent over 10 years helping companies account and report for new transactions in the marketplace. He strives to be successful in his personal and professional life, and John Michael Vanderhider is a travel enthusiast who would like to travel to Croatia and Africa someday.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

John Michael Vanderhider is a Sports Enthusiast – Houston, Texas


John Michael Vanderhider

John Michael Vanderhider is a sports enthusiast who enjoys playing basketball, running, and hiking. He appreciates a healthy lifestyle and believes that an active lifestyle not only keeps him physically fit but also improves his mental health. John Michael Vanderhider aspires to compete in a half marathon one day.

Monday, September 26, 2022

John Michael Vanderhider Graduated From Texas A&M University


John Michael Vanderhider - Vanderhider, John Michael

John Michael Vanderhider graduated from Texas A&M University and the Mays Business School in 2010 with a BBA in Accounting and a Master’s degree in Finance. Since then, John Michael Vanderhider has continued to add to his knowledge by reading publications and blogs including Wall Street Journal, Oil & Gas Investor, Oil & Gas Journal, and

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

John Michael Vanderhider is an Experienced Financial Executive


John Michael Vanderhider

John Michael Vanderhider is an experienced financial executive with over 12 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. His passion for travel has taken him to London, Paris, Nice, Monaco, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Prague, and Japan among other countries. John Michael Vanderhider also enjoys going to new restaurants and hiking whenever he travels.